In 2019, while investing in solar PV technology across their properties,
Spear REIT decided to join the Donate Your Roof programme to take advantage of unutilised roof space.
Without additional capital expenditure, they converted solar energy into donations for Women's Property Network.
Through Donate Your Roof both Spear REIT and Women's Property Network were able to accomplish their goals.
How It Works
The Upside

DYR & Spear REIT in Numbers

Quintin and his team donated the 1002m2 roof space of their Radnor Road property

How WPN Used the Funds

Nicky and her team used these donations to award Anele Nkosi a bursary. She used the funds to complete her 2nd year of a Bachelor of Architecture*.

Over the course of the next 20 years many powerful women will go on to change the property industry. Thanks to Spear REIT and Donate Your Roof, Women's Property Network will have the resources needed to help women study and develop their careers.

For organisations like Women's Property Network,
Donate Your Roof is an attractive fundraising tool to: